Quattro Chocolates

Personal Project

Role: Packaging and Graphic Designer | Art Director

Winner Dieline Awards 2024

Tasting is not the same as eating. It’s all about focusing and paying attention.

The Chocolate Tasting journey allows you to experience the full range of chocolate delights with the 5 senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste.

This exclusive experience is not readily available in traditional marketplaces. Only select online retailers, notably exclusive brands, extend this privilege to true cacao connoisseurs.

The goal is to craft a kit that transforms the chocolate-tasting experience into a delightful and accessible journey for all. We aspire to share knowledge and offer the perfect bite-sized chocolate, ensuring that individuals are fully immersed in the moment, relishing an exceptional experience. Beyond personal enjoyment, our kit serves as an ideal gift to share with loved ones or a delightful solo adventure.

Color Studies

Cacao pods come in a dazzling array of colors, and the specific color depends on the variety of cacao trees, growing conditions in different regions and its level of ripeness. Chocolate makers also select cacao pods at different stages of ripeness to achieve specific flavor profiles in their final products.

Materials and Manufacturing


Neenah® Folding board. Natural White. Vellum

Inside Box

Rigid Box. Heavy Ply Recycled Chipboard. 80-pound Book Paper + Offset Lithography Printing

Thermoformed Tray

Compostable Fiber


Menstrual Cup Packaging


Seca Packaging